Meraki Property Styling

Property Staging Service

Selling your property?

It’s so important to present your property at its best, especially in the online world we live in today. Potential buyers need to be able to visualize themselves in your home.

This is so easy to do using our simple staging service. We come through your property prior to it hitting the market and fill you in on all the do’s and don’ts of selling. We will work with all of your existing furniture and add our own rugs, decor, artwork, greenery and soft furnishings to create the perfect shots for photography, appealing to the broader market and maximizing your sale price.

Currently available in Melbourne only.

Real estate Consulting

Has getting your property on the market got you uptight?

Never sold a house before? Don’t worry, we have worked in the industry for years and will have you feeling confident by the time we leave.

We will go room by room with you, give you suggestions on layout of furniture, if we think any items need to be removed, and if we think you need to add any enhancements! We will teach you how to make a picture perfect bed and show you what to put away before your photographer comes.

We will also leave you with a tips and tricks guide that has all the information you need to know with a checklist to ensure you don’t miss a beat!

Available in person Melbourne only. Australia wide via zoom.

Got questions? book your free 15 minute chat!



Enquire now & we will be in touch!